Your Coaching Options Made Clear

Welcome to 2022 and all the possibilities it brings! Although we don’t need to wait for a new year before making changes, that’s not to say there isn’t something fresh and promising about making plans and setting goals at the start of the year.

That applies to me as much as to anyone else. So, I decided to take the opportunity during January to assess the direction my coaching business is going. I’ve loved my first year in business as Shine Life Coach. Working with lots of amazing people who were ready to bring change into their life and willing to develop themselves to succeed. I come away from every client session feeling uplifted at the progress I see and always having learnt something myself too.

Something which became clear to me towards the end of 2021 was that I wanted to ensure people know exactly what their coaching options are with me. And I wanted to pull some more focus onto the coaching I do in nature and the outdoors. I’ve also spent the last year meeting some awesome new people and have realised there are ways we can pool our skills together to give you powerful coaching experiences.

The Three Elements

Having spent time considering it I decided to break the coaching down into three elements or sections. So, when you come to my website, you can choose exactly what resonates best with you.

I will still be keeping the very important traditional element of coaching. That is coaching face to face, either in a therapy room or via video call. Added to that there will be a clearer focus on coaching outdoors. Finally, I have teamed up with a qualified personal trainer to offer bespoke packages for those looking to focus on health and fitness.

The three elements are; Shine, Planted and Flow.

I will be writing separate articles on each of the elements over coming weeks. But you can read a brief overview of what each entails below.


Think of Shine as you would expect coaching to be. Speaking face to face on a one to one basis. We establish the goals you have and changes you want to make in your life. We then spend our sessions talking through your fantastic resources which will get you there. As we move forward I will work with you on tools and techniques to keep you moving and remove blockers which prevent you reaching that goal.

Shine sessions can take place at the lovely therapy rooms at Counselling West Bridgford, or via video call. We can even choose a cosy café if that’s where you would feel more comfortable.

You can learn more about Shine coaching and the different options available here.


Being outdoors in nature is where I feel most relaxed. And I know that’s the same for lots of you too. That’s why I want to ensure I offer you that space for your coaching experience. Planted does just that; getting us outdoors and moving. Allowing the flow of change as we talk.

Planted sessions focus on the same changes and goals you may want to work towards through traditional life coaching, whilst incorporating an element of mindfulness and meditation through connection with nature.

You can learn more about Planted coaching and the options available here.


I’m so excited about Flow! Through my other work, running an open water swimming lake, I’ve made wonderful connections lately. One of those connections is Annette of Swim Tri Life. Annette is a qualified personal trainer and swim coach. If you’re wanting to make changes to your health and fitness, or have a specific fitness goal, what stronger team than Annette and I?!

If you choose Flow you get a bespoke package and plan, working with both of us, to ensure you smash those goals.

You can learn more about Flow coaching and how the package works here.

What’s best for you?

I do hope these options create clarity for you. It’s a big life investment to be coached and I always want you to feel confident you are making the right choices. If you would like to talk to me about the different coaching options and whether coaching is right for you, you can contact me anytime. Just drop me an email by clicking the button below or head to my Contact Me page for more options.


Flow - your perfect health & fitness coaching package


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