How to know you’re ready to change your life


It’s very likely that your life has changed in the last year. In fact, life has changed for all of us. We’ve had to swiftly change old habits and adjusted to a new way of negotiating our daily routines. But, as the world begins to move around us again, are you going to watch it go back to the way it was, or are you ready to make a permanent change in your life?

In this article we explore how to know you’re ready for change and ways to work with the stages of change to ensure you reach your goal.

What do you want to change in your life?

Life change can take many forms. Perhaps you feel it’s time for a new career, you’ve realised a relationship isn’t a positive influence, you want to work on your health and wellness, or you’d like to live somewhere different? Lockdown may have helped you create some great new habits, but it might have started some less positive ones too.

Now’s the time to decide what changes you want to keep or develop and which you’d like to leave behind.

How do you know you’re ready to change?

Often all the signs are there that you are ready to make a change, but you don’t notice them. Here are some things which might indicate your mind is trying to tell you something:

  • You don’t feel stimulated

  • Life seems to be moving around you but you feel as if you’re standing still

  • Your life doesn’t feel aligned with your values and beliefs - you don’t feel you ‘match’ with yourself

  • Life has lost its shine and you’re just going through the motions

  • There is a feeling of unhappiness which you can’t pin down

  • You’re demotivated and things you once enjoyed are no longer enjoyable

  • You sometimes feel bored/stressed/anxious for no reason

  • You have to change e.g. a relationship has ended or you’ve been made redundant

  • You keep seeing signs!!! The fact you’re reading this would be one of those.

Stages of change

There are recognised stages of change we all go through. Sometimes we go back and forth between the stages and struggle to make the changes permanent in our lives. By understanding the stages of change and which stage you are at, you will be able to keep moving forward to your goal. Working with a life coach is a great way to work through these stages; giving you a new perspective and fantastic tools to make amazing changes in your life.

Below are the stages of change. Do drop a comment or send me an email to let me know what stage you are at now.

  1. Precontemplation

You might not feel there is anything you want or need to change at this stage. Perhaps you feel too stuck to even consider change. Others might identify the need to change to you, such as a friend mentioning you don’t seem happy, or a doctor talking about your health. These comments could cause you to become defensive.

To move forward, contemplate whether you had considered a change in the past. What did you do about it? Why didn’t you make the change? What would need to happen for you to decide to make a change? Completing your Wheel of Life at this stage will bring you clarity on all aspects of your life.

2. Contemplation

Here you start to consider what life will be like if you don’t change. It can still be unclear what exactly the change is and you’re not quite ready to make it. It may feel too intimidating to get started and you might give yourself reasons not to change.

To move to the next stage your thinking needs to flip. Consider instead what life will be like if you DO change. What will you gain from it, rather than what you will lose. Take time to weigh up the pros and cons and think how the barriers can be removed. When you move from thinking to action you will know you’re moving to stage 3 and it will feel exciting! Get in touch with me for a free chat to discuss how I can help you move to stage 3 and beyond.

3. Preparation

Making a plan! This stage typically lasts for about 30 days and you might notice little changes already starting to occur naturally. It’s important to take your time here and set really clear goals, so you can see progress when you get started.

In this stage it’s common to go public about the change you’re going to make. Sharing with friends and family is a great way of affirming your plans and you can garner their support. It’s also helpful to look for other support networks/groups at this stage. Read my article on How to Set and Achieve Great Goals to help you at this stage.

4. Action

In this stage you will be putting your plan into action. Consistency is key and you will be putting time and energy into making your change. Use interim goals, so you can recognise progress and reinforce your desire to make the change. You will notice that you are developing new habits and ways of thinking.

As you change your behaviour and take action others will start to recognise what you’re achieving. Harness your own positivity and that of others to stay on track. Having regular life coaching sessions throughout this stage will really help to solidify your changes and keep you moving towards your wonderful goal.

5. Maintenance

You may have reached your goal or be strongly working towards it here. This stage could last a lifetime e.g. staying fit and healthy or setting up your own business, so it’s essential to continue planning in case of setbacks. You will have created fantastic new habits but it’s important to have coping strategies in place in case of setbacks.

Don’t forget to give yourself a big pat on the back and reward yourself for having reached this stage! You will feel positive and confident about your changes. Don’t be hard on yourself if you falter but do check in with your life coach if you need support. They will help you recognise what triggered you to go back slightly, keep you resolute in moving forward and help you reaffirm your goal. Change the energy from any frustration or disappointment to determination!

6. Termination

Whoo hoo!!! If you’re at this stage you’ve done it! You’ve made your change and you’re confident you won’t go back. Some goals stay in the Maintenance stage long term but you will still have achieved them and feel the benefits in your life.

So, how ready are you to make that change?!

Which stage do you recognise yourself as being at? Perhaps you notice that you’ve been recycling through the stages for some time. If that’s the case then do get in touch with me for a free chat about how life coaching can move you through the stages to get you to your goal. It’s ok to feel unsure about change but I can help you make considered decisions.

Get in touch to let me know what changes you are ready to make in your life, so you can shine as brightly as you deserve!


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