Mindful running sessions are a wonderful way to listen to and understand your body while running. Allowing you to be totally present in your running, bringing a calm mind and clarity.

There are many ways that a mindful running session can help shift physical and mental barriers:

  • Teaching you to tune in to each individual part of your body while running. Perfect for giving you an understanding of your running style and where you may be holding tension. We explore how each part of our body helps us to keep moving forward and how to be grateful for its amazing abilities.

  • Running mindfully eliminates the ‘you can’t do this’ inner voice and can help you reach that next distance goal you’re aiming for. We learn to allow our thoughts, feelings and emotions to be and to pass.

  • Giving you a greater appreciation of your surroundings by using all your senses to immerse yourself in nature as you run. Again, moving away from our inner voice, to become totally present in the moment.

Please note: mindful running sessions are not run coaching.

I offer both individual and group mindful running sessions. Find out more about both below

Individual, one to one, mindful running sessions

An individual, one to one, mindful running session with me costs £20 and you can expect it to last 1 -1.5 hours, including a warm up and warm down walk.

We will run at a nice steady pace, tailored to you running ability and needs. You don’t have to be a speedy runner to take part in a mindful running session.

We will run approximately 5km. Again, this is tailored to you and we can do less if required. The focus is on you getting the most from the session rather than distance or speed.

If you have any further questions or would like to book a mindful running session please contact me by clicking the button below.

We have various options for places to run in Nottinghamshire and surrounding areas. I’m happy to chat to you about some great locations for our mindful run.

Group mindful running sessions

A group mindful running session with me costs £12 and you can expect it to last 1 -1.5 hours, including a warm up and warm down walk.

Group sessions run in the same format as the individual ones above. There will be no more than six of us on the run (including me). So you can still expect to get individual attention, as well as having the chance to meet other, like minded runners.

Dates for group mindful running sessions:

To book simply click on the event you’re interested in above and purchase your ticket through Eventbrite..

When booking you will find full information on where we will meet and what to bring but please do feel free to drop me a message with any questions.