Time to GROW


Life has changed for all of us lately, in ways it never has before. For many it’s been a time to reassess and consider whether we really want life to go back to how it was before. With that in mind I wanted to tell you all about the GROW model; a simple tool which could be the first step to making your changes something real.

What is the GROW model?

The GROW model is a simple, yet fantastic way of planning out your goals and how you will achieve them. By working through each part of the GROW model you will gain clarity to get you started.

Each letter of the word GROW represents a part of the model for you to work through. First I’ll tell you what they stand for and then we’ll look at each on in a little more detail:

Goals - what is it that you want to change/achieve?

Reality - where are you now in relation to that goal?

Options - what are the ways you can progress towards that goal?

Will or Way forward - what is your will to get that goal and how will you keep moving toward it?


A chance for you to really think about what you want. Has working from home during lockdown given you the desire for a better work/life balance? Have you gained fitness from your daily exercise which you don’t want to lose? Perhaps it has made you consider where you live or even your career path?

Get really specific about what you want. If you have more than one goal, that’s great, just write out a different GROW model for each one. You might find some of the things you can do to achieve those goals overlap but it’s good to have clear plans for each one.

A really important thing about your goal is to state it in the positive. So, instead of ‘I don’t want to commute for two hours each day’ it should be ‘I would like to have more time for myself in the day’. Or change ‘I want to stop eating unhealthily’ to ‘I want to have a healthier diet’. Those positive words have a big effect on your feelings towards your goal.


Brilliant for creating a timeline of getting to your goal. Taking moving house as a goal, we could look at the following for the reality of the situation. Do you already own a house, or are you renting? If you’re renting when does your contract end? Are there options to terminate early if you find somewhere new? If you own your home, what is the market like at the moment? Are there homes available which you like and fit your budget? How will moving affect other people in your life? Will it mean people moving jobs or children changing schools?

There are so many questions you can look at and it’s wonderful to understand exactly where you are now, so you can plan how to move forward.

It’s also great to look at the ways you have already moved towards your goal. Using the house move example again; perhaps you’ve already researched the market, maybe you have been saving money. You might surprise yourself with the little ways you’ve been preparing for this goal without even noticing it.


This is where it starts to get really exciting! Your plan really begins to come together. You can explore what choices you have in front of you. If a new career is your goal, what roles are available? Are you qualified for them? If not, what steps can you take to get qualified?

You could consider the costs of your goal against the funds you have available. Are there people you can chat to who can help you uncover options? Can you research this online? This is a good chance to also check in on how taking these options will affect others in your life.

Lay all your options out alongside the timeline you have to achieve your goal.

Will (or Way forward)

Time for action! What is your will to take this fabulous plan forward? An opportunity to really boost the positivity of your plan. What will you do now? What will you do in one week/one month/one year to keep moving toward your goal?

This is your chance to identify any obstacles and plan ahead to overcome them. Perhaps you know you will get busy when lockdown ends. How will you ensure you still make time for your goal? What else could prevent you moving forward? Always find your solution in advance - that way you’ll be super ready!

Lastly decide when you are going to check in on progress? If your goal is shorter term you may need to put aside daily space to check in. If it’s longer term then perhaps weekly or monthly. When you do check in remember to always look focus on the positive steps you have taken.

Help to GROW

Writing your own GROW model plan is a fantastic and empowering way to move towards your goals. Sometimes it’s great to have someone else on hand with extra tools and techniques to boost you to those goals. That’s where life coaching can be just brilliant.

At times we just don’t realise how great we are and how much we can achieve. At Shine Life Coaching we have lots of extra bits of magic to help you understand just how resourceful you are. We know you can reach your goals and are here to help you shine!

For a free twenty minute chat with Cadi about your goals and how you can grow towards them visit the Contact Me page.


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